Friday, February 3, 2012

Bright Colors, Part III

My second post on bright colors involved putting fruits and vegetables on the white Corian kitchen counter. It made me hungry.

You should not that some things that appeal to me visually are not edible. For example, here's a bottle of Chambord-infused vodka. It's actually filled with colored water now, since the liquor is long gone. [click any image to enlarge]

Not all items have to be photographed on our white Corian counter, otherwise we'd never get dinner ready. So this group of cobalt blue glass is in the living room. I washed and dried most of these pieces in preparation for the photo, because the camera is merciless at exposing lint.

There are a couple of vases, a superb wine bucket I bought at a thrift store about 10 years ago, some candle holders, and a flattened blue wine bottle given to me by my brother Brian.

Note: When I was researching the meaning of "curating" I used the old Webster's Third International Dictionary (unabridged). I have a Second Edition too, somewhere. While flipping through pages looking for Curate, I saw Cobalt Blue. Did you know there is a Cobalt Green? Direct random-access-searching is not always preferable to browsing! [click to enlarge]

But I'm not fixated solely on blue. I've got a few favorite red pieces of glass too. The left one is a paperweight commemorating the development of the Concorde Super-Sonic Transport. The right one looks like a fresnel lens from a lighthouse, but it's "just" a square container. A container that turns to fire when the sun hits it.

I did a multi-part series about glass on my Excelmath blog, entitled It's Not Clear To Me. If you are interested you can read one of them [click here] or if not, just consider the following image: